Dharma Gathering
Friday, April 9, 2010
7:30 to 9:00 PM
You Can Attain True Happiness
Evening Gathering & Dharma Discussion
Happiness is something we all seek, but how easy is it to attain? Actually, it’s easier than you think. If your hectic modern life doesn’t give you the time or ability for simple joy, why not try something that has worked for thousands of years? Hazlitt can help you learn a few easy-to-use tools that make it easier to understand, experience and realize your true happiness in the present moment.
Friday Location:
Isis Scrolls Temple
44 Sunnybrae Center
Arcata, CA 95521
Map and Directions
Saturday, April 10, 2010
10:00 AM to 6:00 PM
The Way of True Happiness
Daylong Nonresidential Retreat
(in four sessions with breaks)
Re-energize your life using a simple set of meditation techniques, physical exercises, recitations and contemplations. Learn how to practice using The Buddha Path in your everyday life to greatly increase your personal happiness no matter what difficult circumstances you may face. All are welcome to participate.
You will develop a deeper meaning in your life and greater confidence in yourself, no matter your religious or philosophical orientation.
Saturday Location:
Humboldt Area Foundation
373 Indianola Road
Bayside, CA 95524
Map and Directions
Sunday, April 11, 2010
10:00 AM to 6:00 PM
The Bodhisattva Practices
Daylong Nonresidential Retreat
(in four sessions with breaks)
The 37 Practices of a Bodhisattva is 14th century text revered by all Tibetan Buddhists. Hazlitt’s talk on this text will provide a treasure trove of Buddhist wisdom that is designed for in-depth practical application.
Attendees can expect to gain a deep understanding of the way of the Bodhisattva. Anyone who deals with difficult people or challenging relationships will find these teachings to be transformative. All are welcome to participate.
Attendees will have the opportunity to request to take a pledge of Bodhicitta at the end of the afternoon.
Sunday Location:
Isis Scrolls Temple
44 Sunnybrae Center
Arcata, CA 95521
Map and Directions
Free Admittance
These liberating instructions are given freely with no expectation of reward, but in accordance with Buddhist tradition, donations to the teacher are needed and appreciated to pay for food and travel expenses to get to the next teaching and to cover other incidentals such as healthcare. Please consider a donation of about $20 per session. No one will be judged or turned away for lack of funds. All are welcome to attend at no cost! According to Buddha's teachings, your generosity today is the root of your future prosperity.