Share Timeless Buddhist Wisdom with Hazlitt
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
7:00 to 8:30 PM
You Can Attain True Happiness
Evening Gathering & Dharma Discussion
Happiness is something we all seek, but how easy is it to attain? Actually, it’s easier than you think. If your hectic modern life doesn’t give you the time or ability for simple joy, why not try something that has worked for thousands of years? Hazlitt can help you learn a few easy-to-use tools that make it easier to understand, experience and realize your true happiness in the present moment.
Location: Private residence at the site of the former Radium Hot Springs
46649 Highway 30, Haines, OR 97833
Map and Directions
Hazlitt is in the midst of a 19-week, 10,000-mile, 35-city Dharma teaching tour across North America. He has received extensive Dharma training over the past eight years from his root teacher, the Great Perfection of Wisdom Lineage holder, His Eminence Dzogchen Khenpo Choga Rinpoche, a renowned scholar of the Dzogchen Lineage, an ancient Tibetan wisdom tradition of Buddhism.
In 2008, Khenpo Choga granted Hazlitt the title Upasaka Bodhisattva Pema Bhadra Dorje and Dharma Teacher of the Buddha Path.
Hazlitt has received ripening empowerments, personal instructions and extensive Dharma teacher training while attending over 21 retreats with Khenpo Choga and other masters such as His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. He is a graduate of both Dzogchen Lineage Internship Programs.
Hazlitt holds Refuge Vows, Lay Practitioner Pratimoksha Vows, Samaya Vows and Bodhisattva Vows, promising that his actions will be for the benefit of all beings.
When not traveling and teaching, Hazlitt lives in Las Vegas and has dedicated his time to fulfilling his kind teacher’s request to benefit all beings by instructing and guiding them in the authentic teachings of the Buddha.