
Pending Events

To best view the current calendar with details of pending events, visit the enlarged Calendar page. Note that once you are there, you can view the schedule either by monthly view, weekly view, or as a listed agenda. Click on individual events to see the details and links to maps. Use your browser's back button or the "Return to Calendar Overview" link to come back to this page. Enlarge the Calendar. This is the same calendar in a version small enough to fit in this column:

Completed Events

To review past events that occured between October 2009 and August 2010, click any of the links below. To return to this page, click the "Return to Calendar Page" link in the lower right of each calendar, or use your browser's back button.

January 2010 Calendar
Events in: Boulder City, Encinitas, Los Angeles

February 2010 Calendar
Events in: Malibu, Orange, San Diego, Escondido, Las Vegas, Pittsburgh, Olean, Buffalo,

March 2010 Calendar
Events in: Buffalo, Toronto, Rochester, New York City, New Caanan, Boulder City, Las Vegas

April 2010 Calendar
Events in: San Anselmo, Arcata, Florence, Eugene, Portland, Port Townsend

May 2010 Calendar
Events in: Port Townsend, Port Angeles, Vancouver, Richmond, Bellingham, Seattle,
Haines, Baker City, Payette, Boise, Ogden, Salt Lake City, Enoch, Boulder City, Las Vegas

June 2010 Calendar
Events in: Encinitas, San Diego, Los Angeles, Santa Clara, Larkspur, Dzogchen Retreat Center, Eugene, Portland, Edmonds, Port Townsend

July 2010 Calendar
Events in: Port Townsend

August 2010 Calendar
Events in: Port Townsend, Port Angeles

Register now for upcoming teachings.

Khenpo Choga Rinpoche offers a katak to Hazlitt









On January 3, 2010, the last day of the Dzogchen Winter Retreat,
Dzogchen Khenpo Choga Rinpoche offered a special katak and blessings
to Hazlitt in suport of his North American Dharma Teaching Tour.